Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery Course

This 2-day course covers the key aspects of endoscopic skull base surgery. Lectures and discussions range from the role of surgery, pathologies, advancements in surgical techniques, and surgical approaches. Cadaveric dissection will allow surgeons practice and update their knowledge of skull base anatomy and surgical approaches. Further interaction follows through case discussions. Dissection stations are equipped with powered instrumentation and navigation systems.

This training program has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) with 15 European CME credits (ECMECs), LEE19-01305

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, participants will:

Target audience

Participants include rhinologists and Neurosurgeons interested in developing or advancing their skills in endoscopic approach to the skull base tumors and the reconstruction of skull base defects.